Event Public Pages
A much requested feature was the ability to share information that's in TourLife with external people who don't have a TourLife account. Maybe you have somebody that replaces your FOH Engineer that one time, or you want to share your callsheet, setlist, guestlist and roster with the venue you'll be playing in? No worries, we have you covered with the release of this new feature.

The UI allows you to configure the Public Page exactly as you want it: you can share information on a granular level to make sure only that what you want to share will be available!

It doesn't stop there, you can configure as many public pages per event as you like to accomodate your entire crew, every member of staff of the venue or festival you're playing, and who knows ... your brother, cat, ...? Go crazy!

Once you've configured these public pages, you can share the URL directly with those you want to have access to this information. The resulting web page is fully responsive, so looks great on your mobile phone or 4K display.

Have fun with this new feature!